
Hayslip, Le Ly with Hayslip, James. Child of War, Woman of Peace. 1993

Another cover of Child of War, Woman of Peace


The inspiring story of an immigrant’s struggles to heal old wounds in the United States, this is the sequel to When Heaven and Earth Changed Places, Le Ly Hayslip’s extraordinary, award-winning memoir of life in wartime Vietnam.


‘Child of War, Woman of Peace’ records Ms. Hayslip’s transformation from victim to social activist, from self-conscious immigrant to confident American. …this memoir–as yet another record of the figures who are both the creators and the offspring of America’s always changing cultural heritage–makes a valuable addition to the historical record.

Frances McCue, New York Times Book Review, 4/11/1993

…one of the great first-person sagas of the ‘90s. …it does teach us something new and important about what it means to be an American.

Patricia Holt, San Francisco Chronicle, 2/12/1993

Alternately shocking and inspiring… A drama-packed fairy tale cum horror story, the book is filled with cutting observations about American and Vietnamese victims of the war.

Publishers Weekly, 11/23/1992

Her accounts of returning to Vietnam and creating an organization to build clinics and schools there are heartbreaking and inspirational. In all, a most extraordinary evolution. No wonder Oliver Stone bought the film rights. But read Hayslip’s sharp, honest, lively words first.

Louise Bernikow, Cosmopolitan. 11/1992

International Recognition

Child of War, Woman of Peace has been translated into several languages, including German, Dutch, Italian, among others. The book has also received international notice.

Dutch edition: Oorlogskind op Zoek naar Vrede (“Child of War in Search of Peace”)
German Edition: Kind des Krieges – Frau des Friedens, Geboren in Vietnam, leben in USA – der Lebensweg einer tapferen Frau (“Child of War – Woman of Peace – Born in Vietnam, live in USA – the Life of a Brave Woman”)
Italian edition: Figlia della Guerra – Donna de Pace
Child of War – Woman of Peace featured on a Norwegian newspaper